how do I disable autocomplete on open bracket!

  • Hello,

    I’m a heavy, heavy user of Simplenote. I love it & it organizes my brain & has done so for i dunno how many years now.

    But something has just happened to me, that maybe happened to everybody else a long time ago: autocomplete of links when I type open-square-bracket. I think I had up until lately been using (quite happily) an older version of the SimpleNote app on my M1 Mac, but Apple somehow tricked me into updating …

    I’m not going to debate the utility of this handy well-intended feature for other people, but I need to shut it off ASAP for myself, or else I can’t be your user any more. I type various forms of code in SimpleText often enough, and this is all of a sudden messing with me hardcore.

    I’m not seeing any preferences setting for this feature. Am I missing something? Please advise.

    Thanks, your devoted user Mykle.

  • Hi Mykle,

    Thanks for reaching out and for your support over these years!

    We added support for the internal links completion using the square braket [ in version 2.3 of the masOS app released November 2020. We do not currently have an option to disable the feature, but I can put in a feature request for you. This isn’t a guarantee that it will be done though, just to set your expectations.

    I can’t recommend going back to the old version of the app as this would mean putting your data and notes at risk. If you do use the bracket, as long as you don’t select any of the pop-up options that show it will automatically hide itself when it can no longer find a match.

    Let me know if you have any questions about this.


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