500 Error at Simplenote web app login

  • Summary I was able to access Simplenote from behind my employer’s firewall until a few weeks ago, but no longer.

    Expected Log into Simplenote web app


    Typed email and password into https://app.simplenote.com/login on browser behind enterprise firewall
    Checked “Remember me”
    Clicked “Log in”
    “500 Internal Server Error” displayed at https://app.simplenote.com/user
    Clicked “Go back one page” button
    The above reproduced as is multiple times.

    I can access host api.simperium.com.

    Where did you see the bug

    • System Make: Dell
    • System Model: Latitude 2420
    • OS: Windows 10 Education
    • OS version: 22H2
    • Browser (if applicable): Firefox
    • Browser version (if applicable): 110.0.1 (32-bit)
    • Simplenote app version: app.simplenote.com
  • Hello there!

    Are you able to access Simplenote on this network through the Simplenote desktop or mobile app or are you seeing errors when logging in from there as well?

    Also, have you tried testing in another web browser to ensure there isn’t a browser-related issues causing trouble?

  • Hi Mike, Thanks for your quick reply, which was not notified to me (despite apparently appropriate WordPress notification settings), hence my slower reply!

    I am unable to access Simplenote from desktop Firefox, as specified in “where did you see the bug” but I just tried from Chrome on the same terminal and it works. I cleared cookies and site data in Firefox, to no avail.

  • I am unable to access Simplenote from desktop Firefox, as specified in “where did you see the bug” but I just tried from Chrome on the same terminal and it works. I cleared cookies and site data in Firefox, to no avail.

    Since you’re able to access from another web browser, it’s unlikely to be a network-related issue caused by your employer’s firewall. Could you try temporarily disabling any browser extensions you have installed in Firefox to see if one of those might be causing the trouble?

  • I restarted Firefox in troubleshooting mode, which disables all extensions, but still have the same issue.

  • Hi @sy108, one more thing you can try is to uninstall the Firefox browser and reinstall it. Otherwise, you’ll have to check with your employer if they have any security settings that prevent only the Firefox browser from accessing Simplenote.

  • Good afternoon, I am from Argentina and I am using the translator so maybe it is not understood well but lately I am using this app which is very good but lately there is something that annoys me and that is that after 1 or 2 hours of use the app stays in white and it won’t even let me close it so I would like someone to contact me to explain how to solve it since I don’t want to stop using this app

  • Hi @tiagojosue47364939ba. Please start a new topic for your problem. Specify your device or computer, operating system, and whether you are using the Simplenote app or the Web app. Describe the problem as exactly as you can. Is the screen entirely blank? Use your own language if you like; we can translate if we need to.

Reply to 500 Error at Simplenote web app login